蚂蚁圈 >地图 >简历 >



时间:2024-03-12 作者:蚂蚁圈



广告销售简历 篇1

个人基本简历简历编号:更新日期: 姓 名:国籍:中国 目前所在地:广州民族:汉族 户口所在地:佛山身材:168 cm 55 kg 婚姻状况:未婚年龄:22 岁 培训认证:诚信徽章:求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:贸易类:外贸、市场销售/营销类:销售、英语翻译:翻译(英语) 工作年限:1职称:无职称 求职类型:全职可到职日期:随时 月薪要求:1500--希望工作地区:广州 深圳 佛山 个人工作经历:公司名称:深圳家具展(深圳)起止年月:-03 ~ 2008-03 公司性质:所属行业: 担任职务:展柜翻译(兼职) 工作描述:主要负责产品讲解和销售以及出口定单的'确立。 离职原因: 公司名称:亚洲工程机械展新闻中心起止年月:-12 ~ 2007-12 公司性质:所属行业: 担任职务:国内外记者接待(兼职) 工作描述:主要负责国内外记者接待以及新闻中心的介绍。 离职原因: 公司名称:中国青年旅行社(广交会)起止年月:2007-10 ~ 2007-10 公司性质:国有企业所属行业:饮食,旅游业,宾馆 担任职务:导游兼翻译(兼职) 工作描述:主要接待伊朗团

主要负责于机场接团送团,安排酒店住宿,广交会期间随团翻译。 离职原因: 公司名称:雅华集团欧梵诺有限公司起止年月:-04 ~ 2005-09 公司性质:外商独资所属行业:电器,电子,通信设备 担任职务:销售员 工作描述: 离职原因:教育背景毕业院校:广东外语外贸大学 最高学历:大专毕业日期:2008-07-01 所学专业一:国际贸易所学专业二:商务英语 受教育培训经历:起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专 业获得证书证书编号 2005-092008-07广东外语外贸大学国际贸易大专 2007-032007-07雅加达外语专修学院剑桥商务英语中级剑桥商务英语中级 2007-092008-02广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院英语口译/笔译语言能力外语:英语 精通 国语水平:精通粤语水平:精通工作能力及其他专长计算机能力:获得国家一级计算机等级证书、可熟练操作OFFICE软件。

2005-2006 广东外语外贸大学校学生会学习部长详细个人自传热心、工作认真负责、为人诚恳、待人真诚、做事认真、善与人沟通,有团队合作精神和一定组织能力。




商务英语、英语口译/笔译个人联系方式通讯地址: 联系电话:139XXXXXXXXXXX家庭电话:0757-XXXXXXXX 手 机:139XXXXXXXXXXXQQ号码: 电子邮件:个人主页:

广告销售简历 篇2






To be employed by a transnational company in Beijing as a department manager.

Guanghua Management College, Peking University, --2002.

Beijing Jingshan School, 1992--1998.

Made personnel system reform plans for a large state-owned enterprise in Tianjin.

Participated in planning the restructuring of several medium-sized collective enterprises in the suburbs of Beijing.

Acted as an assistant to the manager of a multinational company in Beijing.

Captain of the Peking University basketball team from 1998 to 2000.

Won the university calligraphy contest in 1999.

Chairman of the Publicity Campaign

Commission of Peking University of Supporting Beijing's application for hosting the Olympics in .

Won the title of an Excellent Leader of the University Student Council in 2002.

Ambitious, honest and reliable, easy to approach

Doing on-line reading and traveling

References: Available upon request.

广告销售简历 篇3

姓 名:xxx 性 别: 男

学 历: 本科 身 高: cm

籍 贯: 广东 出生年月: 1977—10—12

目前所在地: 南山区

毕业院校: 北京师范大学京师科技学院

主修专业: 法学 => 法学

工作经验: 十年以上 目前年薪 : 30—50万 /年

有效证件: 身份证 证件号码 : *****************

预求职位: 广告销售总监

技能专长: xx年销售及客户服务工作,曾任分公司负责人,全权负责华南区业务工作责任心强。有独立组建、培训、管理整个业务团队的能力。

——————— 求 职 意 向 ———————

寻求职位: 广告销售总监

求职地区: 罗湖区 福田区 南山区 宝安区 龙岗区 盐田区

工资待遇: 面议/月

到岗时间: 待定

自我评价: xx年销售及客户服务工作,曾任分公司负责人,全权负责华南区业务工作责任心强。有独立组建、培训、管理整个业务团队的能力。

——————— 教 育 培 训 ———————

起止时间 就读院校名称 主修专业 学历

1998。09~xx。07 北京师范大学京师科技学院 法学 本科

——————— 工 作 经 验 (1) ———————

就职公司: 北京视澜广告公司 公司行业: 广告

就职时间: xx年4月到xx年12月 就职部门: 销售部

公司性质: 其它 就职职位: 销售主管

工作描述: 此公司隶属中央电视台,是广告部下属三个广告公司之一。公司代理cctv—8海外影视剧‘每日佳艺’和全国25个地方台的美国discovery‘探索’电视栏目广告。本人在公司主要负责销售,并为自己的客户提供广告投放方案。xx年升为销售主管。有自己的客户数据库,工作出色,得到公司各领导的认可。工作期间,和央视各媒体及其代理广告公司建立了良好的关系。

——————— 工 作 经 验 (2) ———————

就职公司: 广而告之国际广告公司深圳事业部 公司行业: 广告

就职时间: xx年3月到xx年1月 就职部门: 业务部

公司性质: 其它 就职职位: 区域销售经理

工作描述: 广而告之国际广告有限公司代理cctv—。主要是华南五省的客户开发和维护。并协调事业部与总部各部门之间的关系及工作上的配合。xx年3月,提为深圳事业部业务副经理,xx年1月,提升为部门经理。

——————— 联 系 方 式 ———————

联系电话: 139***********

联络手机: 139***********

电子邮件: ***********@xxx。com

广告销售简历 篇4


真实姓名: xxx 性别: 男

年龄: 32 岁 身高: 175CM

婚姻状况: 未婚 户籍所在: 贵阳

最高学历: 大专 工作经验: 5-10年

联系地址: 贵阳市湘雅村


最近工作过的职位: 广告销售

期望工作地: 贵州省/贵阳市

期望岗位性质: 全职

期望月薪: 3000~4000元/月

期望从事的岗位: 市场部经理,市场策划主管,市场调研主管

期望从事的行业: 其他行业


技能特长: 能掌握计算机基本应用


贵州大学 (大专)

起止年月: 20xx年9月至20xx年6月

学校名称: 贵州大学

专业名称: 市场营销

获得学历: 大专


自己开公司 - 从事二手车销售、车辆手续办理、车辆保险

起止日期: 20xx年至20xx年

企业名称: 自己开公司

从事职位: 从事二手车销售、车辆手续办理、车辆保险



广告销售简历 篇5


Address: Class 9802, Guanghua Management College, Peking University, Beijing 10056

To be employed by a transnational company in Beijing as a department manager.

Guanghua Management College, Peking University, 1998--2002.

Beijing Jingshan School, 1992--1998.

1999 Made personnel system reform plans for a large state-owned enterprise in Tianjin.

2000 Participated in planning the restructuring of several medium-sized collective enterprises in the suburbs of Beijing.

2001 Acted as an assistant to the manager of a multinational company in Beijing.

Captain of the Peking University basketball team from 1998 to 2000.

Won the university calligraphy contest in 1999.

Chairman of the Publicity Campaign

Commission of Peking University of Supporting Beijing's application for hosting the Olympics in 2008.

Won the title of an Excellent Leader of the University Student Council in 2002.

Ambitious, honest and reliable, easy to approach

Doing on-line reading and traveling

References: Available upon request.

广告销售简历 篇6

E-mail:xxxxxxx@ (邮件&MSN)请换成自己的真实信箱!

Desired Industry:

Electronics Micro-electronics, Automobile, Computer Software, Computer Hardware Network Equipment

Desired Position:

Computer· Network· Technology, Marketing· Public Relations (PR)·Media, Sales

Desired address:

Hong Kong, Guangdong, Beijing, Shanghai

Desired Salary:

Location: Guangzhou & Shenzhen

Responsibilities & Achievements:

1.        Responsible for all Microsoft software and Microsoft sever products Retail Business Development activities in the China Southern Regions. Overseeing the sales and marketing management team in China Southern Regions.

2.        Develop and manage the sales and distribution function of the company through residential dealers’ network.

3.        Work with Asian Area Management office to adapt, plan and execute regional corporate programs and initiatives. Assist top management in planning and developing strategies for the business by continuously providing feedback on opportunities in the market for business.

4.        Work with top management to implement and execute both long and short term business strategies to enhance market shares and profitability.

5.        Develop Interior Designer Channels through various marketing programs and selling tools adapted from Asia Regional Office.

6.        Manage relevant reporting of management and financial information for the sales and marketing department.

7.        Maintain and develop corporate image and reputation, and protect and develop company’s brands via effective and creative marketing management programs as well as targeted PR exercises and intellectual property management.

8.        Monitor competitors’ activities and preempting their actions by developing and implementing counter action plans. Ensure cost efficiency by maintaining proper control on sales and marketing expenses within approved company budgets.

9.        Monitor consumer feedback and plan suitable advertising and promotional activities for each area within the China Southern Regions Working with field sales team to set specific expectation through accurate forecasting, qualifying and closing projects.

10.    Ensure competitive edge by continuously engaging new product development with brand groups and product management team within China as well as global offices.

Responsibilities & Achievements:

1.        APPLE computer production & IPOD production salsas manager. Huanan Area channel management. Manage and grows the all kinds of Apple production business in South China. And breakdown all the target to every sales and make sure the target would be finished every month.

2.        Prospect the sales territory, contact, qualify and close deals, Build and manage a pipeline and continually generate new accounts, forecast the sales activity and control marketing activity.

3.        The main job was making the Hunan area sales strategy and marketing select appropriate activities. Conduct Sales forecast and generate sell-in plan. Identifying opportunity to select area main dealers and area channels & Develop city & channel network in selected region.

4.        Manage channel inventory and conduct Product performance analysis, manage and work with direct key partners to achieve sales target.

5.        Working with key business stakeholders in ensuring key requirements or change requests are captured and addressed. Control the channel balance with the key partner, distributor, and dealers. Control area production price and promotion.

6.        Production Promotions and Lifestyle Marketing - define like-minded brand partners and develop co-marketing campaigns whereby these partners broadly endorse the Apple brand and our products to their constituencies. As example, the Pepsi promotion.

7.        Contact with Shopping-mall, IT-mall owner, build the open door adv for found new APPLE shop.

Responsibilities & Achievements:

1.        Personal move computer (VAIO) production & IT channel Shenzhen Area sales supervisor. Manage and grows the VAIO production business in South China.

2.        The main job was making the Shenzhen area sales strategy and marketing select appropriate activities. Identifying opportunity to select area main dealers and area channels & Develop city & channel network in selected region.

3.        Tsshe marketing mission is data acquisition plan to ensure that new data attributes or audiences needed to drive marketing and communication initiatives are identified, prioritized and acquired in a timely manner. Work closely with regional systems and data teams to ensure that new data initiative or systems deployed or upgrades to existing systems do not affect the integrity of subsidiary databases.

4.        Manage and develop Retail network, VAIO SHOP, IT Malls, Large Format Stores, and Chain Stores etc. Channel management / sales forecast and Channel/retailer development. Promote the marketing share up to the target.

5.        Communicates with clients at the most senior levels and maintains a continuing relationship with the client at senior and operational levels with targeted clients.

6.        Drives business needs analysis; leads sales team in obtaining the business requirements to help them define the VAIO-Production to support the business need.

7.        VAIO B2B operation. The key dealers' & government stock management. Establish and maintain the relationship with the key clients/main customs and ensure the conformances are satisfied. Closely work with the main customs and Gov stock. Selecting good offerings and distribution channels to provide an optimal financial return.

8.        Deal with the focal point for both internal and external communication. Good communication and interpersonal skills. Enough competency of driving to win.

Japanese economic and culture Foreign Languages Bachelor

International business Administration Bachelor

Language Skills:

A position as IT Area sales manager which will benefit from my 7 years of IT and commuter retail channel management experience and 3 years of customer management experience in foreign company. I also have 4 years team-leading management experience, Marketing Resource planning, development, cost control, ROI management.



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    话术 1、不要转给别人 自己打的电话尽量自己处理,只有在万不的已的情况下才能转给他人。这时,您应该向对方解释一下原因,请请求对方原谅,在您做出这种决定之前,应当确定对方愿意您将电话转给他人。 2、自报家门 找到您所要找的人之后(有时您知道是他负责着件事,但不一定知道他叫什么名字),对方一拿起电话,...

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    基本信息 姓名: 性别: 男 年龄: 23 岁 身高: 156CM 婚姻状况: 未婚 户籍所在: 贵州省毕节地区 最高学历: 本科 工作经验: 1年以下 联系地址: 贵阳市 求职意向 最近工作过的'职位: 期望工作地: 贵州省/贵阳市 期望岗位性质: ...

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    简历是求职时给人的第一印象,直接影响求职是否成功,简历在找工作中至少占有一半以上的作用,一份专业的个人简历是找到一份好工作的前提,简历能够提高用人单位录取自己的概率。您是不是正在寻找有关简历的模板呢?推荐你看看以下的大学生应聘简历6篇,相信一定会对你有所帮助。 基本信息 姓名: 性别: ...

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